This is how supervisory and advisory boards assess the current corona situation.
TODAY: My interview with Dr.-Ing. h.c. H. J. Wiedenhues.
- Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ISRA VISION AG, the Schwing-Stetter Group and DECO GLAS.
Supervisory boards and advisory boards approve business strategies, company acquisitions, development budgets and the funding framework. If a supervisory board takes its job seriously, it bears considerable joint responsibility for the success and failure of a company. This was reason enough for me to seek an interview with an experienced supervisory board – and advisory board member of renowned medium-sized companies: Dr. Heribert Wiedenhues. As an agency for strategic marketing, PR and social media, we were of course particularly interested in his assessment in this area.
- What is the importance of marketing, especially now in the Corona Lockdown 2.
- How do medium-sized companies specifically deal with the marketing?
- Which measures do medium-sized companies consider appropriate?
- Marketing / PR recommendation
“Open your heart to the outside world … and stay the technology leader by continuing to invest in research / development and marketing in the current situation. Then we have a good chance that the backbone of our German industry will not suffer any bends.”
(Dr.-Ing.h.c. H. J. Wiedenhues)
Contents of our conversation:
1. Corona Lockdown 2: concrete experience in working with companies.
2. Corona crisis versus Lehmann crisis and the consequences for medium-sized companies.
3. Importance of Marketing
4. Do medium-sized companies cultivate an “understatement” that ultimately harms them?
5. Recommendation / Outlook