Marketing with Corona – in the year 2020

MARKETING in times of Corona
Use the opportunities of the current crisis.

„Never let a good crisis go to waste“. This sentence could be from today, but is actually from Sir Winston Churchill, who said it 80 years ago during the Second World War, in the fight against the German military superiority.

Our challenge today is called Corona pandemic. Companies and law firms should ask themselves how the pandemic will change their economic and financial world. Which changes influence the business positively and which negatively. It is obvious that digitization will continue to increase, which will result in new business models, including for law firms and companies.

Flexible working hours will become more important, companies have seen that it can work. As a result, office space will be reduced. Companies are reviewing their supply chains, health and e-commerce will continue to grow significantly. These are just a few aspects, many developments are still emerging.

Why do I mention this? Because it shows that the Covid-19 crisis also offers opportunities. We are not condemned to wait, but rather have the opportunity to actively help determine the direction that a law firm or company should take. Act now, because your clients are now looking for prospects. „Never let a good crisis go to waste.“

Marketing can provide valuable assistance in this phase. The complete article you will find here: LINK- Marketing with Corona in 2020

In the following, we are therefore introducing you to some measures with which you can increase the effectiveness of your law firm. We look forward to your feedback or other comments and questions.

Your Claudia Böhnert Managing Director COURAGE strategy consulting Mail: COURAGE strategy consulting